From Beth Epey Hashemi, youngest daughter of Kenneth Epey Lane:
Your Grandfather Lane was born on 7th March 1906 in Chartham - a small town in Kent (pronounced Char tam). His father (my grandfather) was Head Master of the school there. (I think it went up to age 16 but I am not sure). He retired in 1929 and I have the silver tea set with the inscription on the teapot - his retirement gift from the community. Ken's mother died of tuberculosis when he was 8. He spent the last 3 years of her life living in Margate with her in the house of two maiden aunts. The sea air was supposed to help TB patients! He himself caught TB, but luckily only in a gland in his neck. Because of this he was then immune to Tuberculosis so the army sent him - in 1945 just after the end of the war - to the very north of Norway to help with the Russian soldiers imprisoned by the Germans. They had TB and were starving. It was grim. It took me a long time to realize that this affected his behaviour when he came home after, I believe, 3 months up there. I did not like him at all and wished he would go away again…
Diary of a Medical Nobody: An account of the early years of Dr. Kenneth Lane's general practice, 1930s. (Ebook)
West Country Doctor: Further accounts of Dr. Kenneth Lane's general practice and war service, 1940s. (Ebook)
The Longest Art: The art of general practice, as described by Dr. Kenneth Lane, 1969. (Ebook)